Long Distance Love Tips for Couples
Tips for Couples
Seen on Oprah!
Beside each heart below are links to the best books for couples available today authored by Oprah romance expert Michael Webb.
Michael has appeared on over 500 radio and television shows including Oprah, Men are From Mars/ Women are From Venus, NBC News, 700 Club, The Other Half, Iyanla, To Tell the Truth and FOX News.
All books can be downloaded instantly ... and are packed full of helpful ideas and tips that will enhance the quality of your relationship & love life immediately!
- Stephen Blake, author of
Loving Your Long Distance Relationship
1000 Questions for Couples
What You Absolutely Must Know About the One You Are With!
How compatible are you and the person you are with? How would you know? Just because you like the same types of foods and pets does not mean that you can have a blissful, long-term relationship.
Michael Webb's Entire Collection Reg. $1,400 for Only $69
Lovemaking Tips
Increase Passion and Intimacy Through Great Sex
Want to make your sex life exciting? You want to make it hot. Exciting. Mind-blowing. Perhaps you want to have it more often or need tips for your very first time.
We have more sex tips than ANY OTHER PLACE!
Michael Webb's Entire Collection Reg. $1,400 for Only $69
Never Fight Again
50 Secrets of Blissful Relationships
Have you ever known a couple that seemed to be on cloud nine all the time? To strangers they would appear to be newlyweds, but in reality they have been together for years. Some people will try to tell you that "fairy tale" relationships don't exist.
Well, they do. There are tens of thousands of couples who would say that they are living in a blissful relationship ... filled with love and romance
Michael Webb's Entire Collection - Reg. $1,400 for Only $69
Date Ideas
The World's Most Romantic, Unique and Fun Dating Ideas
If you are looking for a book of $100 dates to really impress your sweetheart, THIS ISN'T IT. But if you want 100s of dates that cost from $5-$20 then you have found a goldmine of information.
Michael Webb's Entire Collection Reg. $1,400 for Only $69
Proposal Ideas
101 Proposal Stories - How to create a marriage proposal that will blow her (or him) away
If you are thinking of getting engaged, you probably want to do it right. You want it to be amazingly special. Something she or he will want to share with everyone.
Michael Webb's Entire Collection Reg. $1,400 for Only $69
Dating Secrets
A Better Way ... To Date
Did You Know That Most Dating Actually Destroys Relationships?
Why is it that there are so few couples in the world who have a truly happy and fulfilled marriage filled with love and romance?
A lot of the problems can be traced all the way back to dating. The way most people date leads to a lot of broken hearts, hurt feelings and incompatible relationships.
Michael Webb's Entire Collection - Reg. $1,400 for Only $69